What i want to do is that  with using bold colors  to give form and expression to my Painting


All abstract expressionist is s feeling, d emotion and d spontaneity more important than perfection, reason and regimentation.

Everything is different when you wake up in the morning - you perceive your own transformation.

In search of his own life, one suddenly finds it alien, sees himself imprisoned without bars

Traces of transformation discovered on the journey inside...

Unstoppable endless transformations that we observe and experience every moment

The ability to communicate seemed lost, instead a life like in dream sequences, a temporary error in the prison of speechlessness

Experience teaches: Life is endless change - change on all levels


My abstract paintings are like the mirror images of my inside, they reflect the different lives I felt and were transferred to canvas as images of my soul.

I gave my new formal language, formed from figurative painting, the form of literary thoughts and dreams

My cultural background is reflected in my artistic work through the intensity of colours, shapes and contrasts





